Sobota, 4 Maja 2024   imieniny: Florian, Malwina, Monika
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Discover the undiscovered - Visegrad Hostels | Pecs

What is worth seeing in #CentralEurope? #Pécs - Discover the undiscovered Central Europe is – quoting the famous writer, Milan Kundera – ‘maximum diversity in minimum space’. Let yourself be drawn into an adventure to find out about its amazing beauty far from the big metropolis. In this episode we are going to Pécs – a multicultural city in the southern Hungary, well known for its mediterranean atmosphere – and the Ananas Hostel – a very cool place to stay in for every backpacker. The video was produced by Volens Foundation with a financial support from the Visegrad Fund. If you enjoyed this movie, watch the other ones from this series as well: ▶ OLOMOUC ▶▶ KOSICE ▶▶▶ CIESZYN/ CESKÝ TESÍN --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ▶▶ Ananas Hostel Pécs | Not only in Pécs itself but also at the Ananas Hostel you can smell the atmosphere of the South. Cool terrace with a place for a BBQ and friendly vibes will make you feet great here. And if you wanna go downtown – it’s only a few minutes walk! All of that for: 9€ –a bed in a dorm room 18€ - a private room (1 person) 27€ - a private room (2 pax) ▶ The easiest way to get to: Olomouc: two changes: 1: Catch a train to Budapest (Keleti train station) 2. Go to the town of Břeclav (in Czech Republic) 3. Here catch a train to Olomouc (approx. time of travel: 9-11h, approx. price: from 30 - 40€)* Košice: one change 1. Catch a train to Budapest (Keleti train station) 2. Catch a train to Košice from here (approx. time of travel: 6,5h-8,5h, approx price: 35 - 40€)* Cieszyn/Český Těšín: two changes 1. Catch a train to Budapest (Keleti train station) 2. Catch a train to Košice from here 3. In Košice catch a train to Cieszyn (approx. time of travel: 10,5h - 12h, approx price: 40 - 45€)* *prices may vary depending on seasonal offers and promotions *we recommend booking tickets from private companies (Leo Express, Regio Jet) ahead and on the internet – prices may have a really good discount. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- The MAKERS: Ian Transue - The Backpacker Radek Biel - DOP/ Editor Jakub Połomski - Timelaspe Artist/ Drone Aerial --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


Visegrad Hostels
Data pliku video: 2016-05-25, Źródło artykułu:
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Powiat cieszyński -– powiat w południowej części województwa śląskiego z siedzibą w Cieszynie. Tworzy go 12 gmin: Cieszyn, Ustroń, Wisła, Skoczów, Strumień, Brenna, Chybie, Dębowiec, Goleszów, Hażlach, Istebna i Zebrzydowice zajmując obszar 730,29 km².

Powiat cieszyński leży na środkowej i zachodniej część Pogórza Śląskiego oraz Beskidzie Śląskim, od północy zajmując obszar Kotliny Oświęcimskiej.

Główne gałęzie gospodarki regionu to rolnictwo, usługi i przemysł turystyczny (miejscowości turystyczne: Wisła, Brenna i Ustroń).

Przez powiat przechodzi droga ekspresowa S1 oraz drogi krajowe: 1 i 81.


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